Here's my motivational quote for the new year:
"Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a
rowboat and taking the tartar sauce with you."
— Zig Ziglarrowboat and taking the tartar sauce with you."
First, thank you all for your concerns over the recent tragedy in Tucson. We are sad, but safe.
Second, you might ask where have I been. Why so quiet?
Sales for Widow's Row have been overwhelming. Another round of THANKS to you! And thanks for spreading the news by word of mouth. Because of your referrals I'm now realizing new readers; friends I've never met yet!
Meanwhile I've guest posted about 'the journey' at these locations:
Peg Brantley's blog at:
And Jenny Milchman at
I hope you can spare a moment to learn more about the writer's journey.
Today I wish you a sturdy rowboat.